Terms & Conditions
The website www.themoonshineco.com are owned by The Moonshine Co., a Canadian Corporation and any content therein (defined below) is owned and operated by The Moonshine Co, a Canadian Corporation (hereinafter “we” “us” “our” or “Moonshine”). Please read all Terms & Conditions before using our Websites – by visiting and using this Website, you (hereinafter “visitor” “you” “your”) are consenting that you have read these Terms & Conditions, and agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with this document in its entirety, please immediately refrain from using Website.
These Terms & Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement made between you (whether personally or on behalf of an entity) and The Moonshine Co., concerning your access to and right to use Website, as well as any other media forms, media channels, mobile website, or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected to The Moonshine Co. and Website.
Use of Websites
- To access or use our Websites, you must be 18 years or older and have the requisite mental capacity to enter into these Terms & Conditions. By using any of Websites, you represent that you are at least 18 years old, and that you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Any use of our Websites by anyone under 18 constitutes an unauthorized use and a violation of these terms and conditions; we do not authorize use of this Website by anyone under 18.
- Please note these Terms & Conditions may be subject to changes or updates at any time, and Websites may not provide notice of such changes or updates. We reserve our right to make any changes or updates at any time, and the burden is on the user to routinely check these Terms & Conditions for updates. By continuing to use our Website and the content we produce, you confirm you agree to be bound by the Terms & Conditions as they appear, whether or not you have read them. If you are not in agreement with these Terms & Conditions, please do not use our Website or any of the Content that appears thereon.
- If you purchase a Program, Product, or Service from us, you will also enter into one or more separate agreements with us, and are subject to the terms outlined in the Terms of Use or Client Agreement associated with the program purchased, which shall prevail in the event of a conflict or issue. All online purchases through us carry additional Terms of Use relating to the product being purchased, with your purchase of the product or service constituting acceptance and agreement to adhere to these additional terms. All private mastermind or other coaching packages require signature of an additional Agreement outlining the terms and guidelines therein as well.
Intellectual Property Rights
- Websites contain original work that has been created with creativity, originality, dedication, care, detail, planning, and creative thinking. This collection of work is considered intellectual property created and owned by The Moonshine Co and is protected under Federal Intellectual Property Laws, which prevents unauthorized use of our materials. These materials may include, but are not limited to: trademarked and copyrighted material, as well as any and all original works on our Websites and within the content provided, including but not limited to website design, layout, photographs, graphics, words, content, information, documents, data, our logo, artwork, color scheme, branding and/or placement of same on Website, as well as source code, databases, functionality, software, audio content, visual content, text content, to the extent protectable, and any and all other information accessible through Websites, which constitutes proprietary information. This protection also includes any and all content that appears on the Websites, including blog posts, program names, and any other text whether or not authored by us. All proprietary information and content hereinafter identified as (“Content”).
- You understand and acknowledge you will likely be in violation of these Intellectual Property laws should you copy, repost, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or in any way exploit any of the content or intellectual property on the Website, without our express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, we reserve the right to immediately revoke your access to our Websites, as well as any program or materials you may have purchased, without refund, and reserve the right to prosecute any actionable infringement or misuse to the full extent of the law.
- Licensee / Licensor Rights: Our Limited License to You
a.Your ability to view Content on our Websites grants you a limited, revocable, non-transferable license to use the information available to you for your personal, non-commercial use only. Should you decide to purchase a product, package, or service from our Websites, you will also be granted a limited license to use the information contained therein, as outlined in the Terms of Use or Client Agreement associated with each product or service available for purchase.
- As a licensee, you understand and agree that you will not:
- Copy, edit, distribute, duplicate or steal any information on our Websites, or any Content therein, including that which has been posted by a third party, whether or not you have purchased the information.
- Use, post, distribute, copy, steal or otherwise use any portion of our Websites, including content or products, without express, written permission provided by The Moonshine Co. and understand that any such use may constitute infringement, which may give rise to a cause of action against you.
- Hold any of our Content out to be your own, other than blog posts you may write as a contributing writer, and understand that doing so constitutes stealing and is a violation of our intellectual property rights.
- Share purchased materials, information, content with others who have not purchased them.
- Use any portion of our Websites, including all Content, information, and purchased materials, in any commercial manner such that you make, may make, or intend to make a profit from it.
- You further acknowledge and understand that any such actions including but not limited to those outlined above will be subject to infringement and/or theft of our work, and a violation of these Terms and Conditions and Canadian Federal laws, and we reserve the right to prosecute this infringement to the full extent of the law.
- Any requests for written permission to use any content posted on our Websites shall be made before you wish to use any such content, and may be made by sending an email to us.
- Licensee / Licensor Rights: Your License to Us
- You may be able to post your original content to our Websites, including but not limited to blog comments, testimonials, or photos. You may also have the opportunity to respond to generated emails with comments or feedback, comment on a social media live stream, webinar, or any other medium where content is distributed in a manner that allows for participation or feedback. By posting any sort of information, you represent you are the owner of anything you post, and are at least 18 years of age.
- When you submit or post any such information, you also agree and understand that you are assigning and/or licensing us and anyone else authorized by us, the irrevocable, unlimited, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestrictive, worldwide license to use, distribute, sell, copy, edit, exploit, or otherwise publicly disseminate any information or content you post, in whole or in part, with or without identifying you as the author of the original post or comment. If we so choose to identify you, you also grant us the right to identify you as the author of any comments, posts, or the like by name, email address, screen name, or any other reasonable manner of identification.
- You agree you are wholly assigning any intellectual property ownership rights to us by your action and decision to post on our Website, or otherwise provide us with content, with access to our Websites constituting good and valuable consideration in exchange for these intellectual property rights. You understand that should any of your comments or posts be used, in whole or in part, you are not entitled to any payment and will not request any form of payment or favorable treatment in return.
- Testimonials: Our Websites may feature testimonials from clients, in order to provide readers with comments, feedback, and information from others’ experiences with our services, website and products. While all information, photos, and quotes used are from actual clients, sharing their real, honest opinions of our Websites and services, these testimonials are not to be considered as a guarantee that current or future clients will experience the same results, or a guarantee that all clients will have the same experience. You understand and agree that by reading a featured testimonial on our Websites, you do not expect the same results, and understand this information is not a guarantee. You also understand and agree that the individuals featured may have different medical history and health status, and what worked for them may not work for you; you agree to use common sense, and consult your personal medical provider before beginning any program we offer, and/or before implementing any information found on Websites.
Ownership of Content Posted on Online Blog & Platform
- Moonshine may invite individuals to become contributing writers (“Writers”) to the online blog and platform located at www.themoonshineco.com/blog and submit posts with content and images of their choosing. Prior to becoming a Writer, Writers agree they are responsible for any and all content they post, including obtaining any necessary permissions or licenses to post content, images, videos or other intellectual property belonging to a third party. While Moonshine obtains a license from Writer to feature, host, share, and otherwise use content posted, Writer remains the copyright owner, and the sole party responsible should there be any alleged or actual copyright infringement posted on Website.
Copyright Modernization Act of Canada (CMAC) Policy
Moonshine takes intellectual property rights of others extremely seriously and does not tolerate Writers posting content that infringes the rights of another. Per CMAC, Moonshine will respond expeditiously to any claims that any content posted by Writers include copyright infringement. In order to ensure such claims are timely seen, claims must be submitted to Moonshine via e-mail.
- Notice and Takedown Procedure. Moonshine abides by the federal CMAC, and takes notices of alleged infringement that comply with the CMAC and other applicable laws very seriously. Upon receipt of a CMAC-compliant notice of infringement, Moonshine will promptly take down or block access to the allegedly infringing matter, and will contact the Writer in question so they may take further action in accordance with the CMAC or other laws.
- To file a notice of infringing material on www.themoonshineco.com, please email us immediately with the following:
- Reasonably sufficient details for identification of the copyrighted work which is claimed to have been infringed;
- Reasonably sufficient details to enable us to identify and locate the material that is claimed to be infringing (e.g. a website linking to the page in question);
iii. Contact information for the copyright holder;
- A statement that the complainant believes in good faith that the use of the allegedly infringed material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
- A statement that the above information is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that the complainant is the owner or is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright, or is the owner of one of the exclusive rights under copyright law that is allegedly infringed, and;
- A physical or electronic signature of the copyright holder or its agent.
- Repeat Infringer Policy. If any Writer is accused of copyright infringement more than once, he or she will be promptly terminated as a Writer, the account will be terminated, and the Writer will not be able to apply for a writing position with Moonshine again. Moonshine maintains records of CMAC takedown notices to ensure compliance with this policy.
Your Conduct
- Should you choose to post anything on our Websites, social media pages, webinars, or otherwise, you are hereby agreeing and acknowledging you will not post anything that could harm us or another user, or include anything defamatory, harmful, hurtful, or otherwise upsetting. You understand that if you make the decision to post content that constitutes cyber bullying, your comments will be removed immediately, and we reserve our right to take action against you to the full extent of applicable laws.
- You may use our Website for lawful purposes only, and agree you will not post, comment, or otherwise transmit any content which infringes the rights of another, and agree to hold us harmless should you do so. You also agree and understand you are not to post any content which would constitute a criminal offense, use the Website or content for fraudulent or unlawful purposes, create civil liability, is repugnant, constitutes a violation of another’s intellectual property rights, is vulgar or obscene in any way, or is otherwise objectionable.
- You agree not to
- Systematically retrieve data or other content from Website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database, or directory without written permission from us,
- Make any unauthorized use of Website, including collecting names and email addresses of users by electronic or any other means,
- Use Website to offer or advertise goods or services,
- Circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with security-related features of Website, including features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any content or enforce limitations on the use of Website and Content contained herein;
- Engage in unauthorized framing of or linking to Website;
- Trick, defraud, or mislead us and/or other users, especially in an attempt to obtain sensitive account information such as user passwords, billing information, or other personal information;
- Make improper use of our support services or submit false reports of abuse/misconduct;
- Interfere with, disrupt, or create an undue burden on Website or networks or servers connected to Website;
- Decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up all or part of Website;
- Delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notice from any content;
- Copy or adapt Website’s software, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, Javascript, or other code;
- Use, launch, develop, or distribute any automated system, including without limitation, any spider, robot, cheat utility, scraper, or offline reader that accesses Website, or use any launching or unauthorized script or other software.
- You agree that we are the sole decider in whether content you post is objectionable, and have the unilateral right to remove any content you post, without explanation or ramifications. You also understand that we may be obligated to take further legal action, based upon information you post, and reserve our right to do so. Should a third party choose to take legal action against you, as a result of something you posted on our Website, you agree to hold us harmless and fully indemnify us of any legal ramifications or actions.
Use of Free Materials or Content
- At times you may be offered a free download or printable, as a gift or opt-in offer, in exchange for your name and email address. Should you choose to download or print this material, you understand this is to be used for your personal, non-commercial use only, and is not to be copied, edited, distributed, or otherwise shared in any way other than in its original form. Should you choose to share the material, you agree and understand that you will provide The Moonshine credit, will not hold the material to be your own, or otherwise attempt to make any sort of gain (financial or otherwise), from our materials.
- The purpose of Websites are solely to provide educational information to those wishing to view it. Any Content on Websites, or Content you receive because of your decision to opt-in to our email list has been created solely for educational and informational purposes. We cannot and do not guarantee any type of specific results, outcomes, changes, or gains through use of our Websites, programs, or packages contained therein, whether legal, financial, medical, or otherwise, nor are we making any guarantees regarding the success of your business, personal, any coaching program, or any results stemming therefrom. You understand and agree to this, and acknowledge that your use of any information contained herein is purely voluntary.
- You also understand and acknowledge that we are not doctors, lawyers, therapists, psychics, accountants, nurses, counselors, nor do we claim to provide any such advice that should be obtained from a medical, or other professional after evaluating your specific situation, issue, or business. Nothing contained on this Website or within any product or service found herein is intended to take the place of a consultation with any such professional.
- You understand and agree that Websites and the Content and Products produced are not to be relied upon in any way as medical, legal, financial, or business advice. Nothing on this Website, in our products, nor anything distributed via email is intended to take the place of professional advice received via a consultation with a doctor, nurse, lawyer, accountant, therapist, financial advisor, business consultant, or other expert regarding the details of your specific business or life. You are encouraged to consult with your own professionals for any questions you may have regarding your particular business or situation regarding legal, business, medical, or financial questions, or any similar professional that may address your own individual situation.
- Your decision to visit our Website, use information contained herein, and purchase products we offer is purely voluntary, and you understand we are not responsible or liable for any harm or damage to you or your business resulting from direct or indirect use of materials or content contained on our Website. You agree to hold The Moonshine Co. and any associate brands/subsidiaries harmless from any damages directly or indirectly resulting from your use of Content or products/services on our Website or distributed through email, and agree you will not make any claims against us or the company herein.
Technology Disclaimer
- By using our Website, you understand and agree that The Moonshine Co. makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the condition of Website, including functionality, existence of viruses or other components that may harm users’ computers, uninterrupted use, constant access and availability, and the like.
- We will make every effort to make our Website available to you at all times; however, from time to time the Website may be down for maintenance, repairs, as a result of “crashing” or overuse, or any other reason, known or unknown to you, and you agree and understand that this may occur without explanation. Should this occur, you understand, agree, and acknowledge we are not liable for any damages, losses, interruption in your business, or other inconvenience sustained by you as a direct or indirect result of the unavailability of our Website. We do not owe you an explanation, refund, or any reimbursement, nor do we have any obligation to you to continue running our Website, and you agree to simply check our Website at a later date to confirm when it has been relaunched.
- We may also make the unilateral decision to change or discontinue all or part of our Website, its Content, or any portion thereof without notice before or after, and such Content may thereafter be unavailable. The Website and any and all content and products made available are offered on an “as is” basis, with no additional attachment or warranties therein. You understand and agree we are not obligated to you to continue running all or part of our Website or any content therein, or any particular products being offered for sale, nor shall we be liable for any harm to your business or personal self as a direct or indirect result of a decision to alter, remove, or change Content without notice.
Information You Provide
- In order to gain access to our email list, you may be required to provide information about yourself, including your name, email address, and other personal information. In order to purchase products or services, you will also be required to submit payment information (we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and PayPal) and a billing address, and may be asked to create a username and password to gain access to your purchased materials or if you become a member of our paid membership site. Please note you are responsible for keeping track of your username and password, and understand that you bear the consequences should you choose to share this confidential information with anyone.
- You acknowledge and understand that any information provided to us is done so on a purely voluntary basis. By choosing to provide us with this information, you agree and represent that any information provided to us through the Website or a third-party payment processor will be accurate and current, and belong to you. You understand you may not hold yourself out as someone else or use anyone else’s information, and agree to bear the consequences should you use anyone else’s information as your own.
- You also agree that you are to remain financially responsible for any purchases made through our Website by you, or by another person acting on your behalf, regardless of the information provided at checkout. Should information become available at a later date confirming you performed unauthorized use of a credit card or other payment information belonging to someone other than yourself, you understand and agree that you alone remain financially responsible for purchases made through our Website.
Online Purchases
- You understand that should you elect to make a payment through our website, information obtained during your purchase, including name, address, credit card information, method of payment, billing information, and other personally identifiable information may be collected by us, as well as our payment processing company.
- You also understand and agree that any information provided by you is true and accurate, to be relied upon by us and our team in processing payment and delivering our products to you. Should your payment fail to process, we reserve the right to withhold the purchased product from you unless and until payment is properly rendered.
- Limitations of Liability: We will take reasonable precautions and measures to keep this information private. While we will attempt to monitor and resist any third party hacking or third party ability to gain access to confidential information held by us, you agree and understand we are not liable for any unauthorized access to or use of your information or property, regardless of negligence, failures, tort, breach of implied or express contract, or any other causes of action or legal theories of liability, even if such theories could have been foreseeable or preventable, or if we were made aware of such a possibility.
- You also acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility or liability for policies of third party payment processing companies we select and use to facilitate purchases through our Website. When you make a purchase on our Website, please note you may also be subject to the terms and conditions, policies, and/or guidelines of the payment processing company, in addition to ours. For more information, we encourage you to visit the website of the payment processing company, and read their policies and terms and conditions as well. You agree to release us as well as the payment processing company we choose from any damages you incur as a result of this process, and agree not to file or assert any claims against us or the payment processing company arising from your purchase of a product through our Website.
- We reserve the right to refuse any order placed through Website, for any reason. We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household, or per order. These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same payment method, and/or orders that used the same billing or shipping address. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that appear to be placed by resellers, distributors, false accounts, spam accounts, or any other accounts which otherwise raise a red flag or appear fraudulent, regardless of whether or not they actually are.
- If you do make a purchase, you will also be subject to all terms associated with the program, membership, or product you purchased, which shall be the operating and controlling document between you and Moonshine as it relates to the program, membership, or product you purchase. If you have any questions regarding the program, membership, or product you purchased, please refer to the corresponding Terms of Use or Client Agreement, or reach out to us via e-mail and we will be happy to provide you with a copy.
- You agree at all times to defend, fully indemnify and hold The Moonshine Co. and any affiliates, agents, team members or other party associated with us from any causes of action, damages, losses, costs, expenses incurred as a result of your use of our Website or any products or services contained therein, as well as any third party claims of any kind (including attorney’s fees) arising from your actions in relation to our Website or any breach by you of any such conditions outlined herein. Should we be required to defend ourselves in any action directly or indirectly involving you, or an action where we decide your participation or assistance would benefit our defense, you agree to participate and provide any evidence, documents, testimony, or other information deemed useful by us, free of charge.
- We will attempt to monitor any comments and posts made by third parties and users as often as possible. Should you, as a user of our Website, see anything objectionable or offensive posted by a third party, you agree to (1) notify us of the material, and (2) agree not to take any action against us based upon the content posted by the third party. You understand we cannot be responsible for material posted by a user without our control, and agree to release us of any and all claims arising therefrom.
- Should you choose to utilize information offered on our website, whether free or for purchase, you understand that we are not liable to any party, for any damages – whether direct, indirect, consequential, foreseeable, incidental or otherwise – stemming or perceived to stem from use of or reliance upon any information contained or found on our Website, or from products or services purchased therefrom. You also understand and agree that we are not liable for any damages incurred as a result of your reliance or use of information on our Website written by a third party, whether endorsed or not by us, and you agree to release us from any and all claims stemming from, or perceived to stem from, reliance on information contained on our Website.
Limitation of Liability
- You understand and agree that the information offered via Website is general information that may not be suitable for all persons, businesses, locations, countries, or persons in specific situations. You understand that your decision to use any information or purchase any products or services offered on our Website is purely voluntary. Should you choose to purchase products or services via our Website, you understand and agree that we may not know your personal and specific situation in full, and have no way of knowing of a program’s specific applicability to your life or business. You agree and understand you will hold us harmless from any direct or indirect, perceived or actual damages or harm to your person or business as a result of choosing to utilize information found on or purchased from our Website. We are not responsible for any result stemming from your decision to use information provided by us, nor are we responsible for your mental or physical health, income, finances, earnings, business, clientele, client base, or any other result, and you agree we are not liable for any such damages or losses incurring therefrom.
- You understand and agree that The Moonshine Co. is not to be held liable for any type of direct or indirect damages arising out of your use of our Website, any information contained herein, any injuries sustained or medical ailments that arose as a direct or indirect cause of implementing information found on Website, or any products or services purchased therefrom, including but not limited to general, specific, incidental, consequential, punitive, or special damages. You also agree that we are not liable or responsible in any way for any loss incurred by you or your business, including revenues, clients, business, goodwill, income, anticipated income, predicted income, sales numbers, loss of a sale, data, nor any computer failure, computer virus obtained by use of our Website, technical glitch or failure, defect or delay, or any other similar issue. You agree that your decision to use our Website is wholly at your own risk and voluntarily chosen by you, and any ramifications resulting therefrom are yours alone.
C.You also understand and agree that we make no warranties, express or implied, and hereby renounce any such warranties, guarantees, or representations with respect to any portion of our Website, the content herein, content distributed through email lists, social media, via webinars, or that which is made available through purchase via our membership site. By use of the Website, you agree and understand that use of content and information found herein is to be used at your own risk, with no guarantees, representations, or warranties regarding fitness for particular purpose, accuracy, or otherwise.
Release of Claims
- You also agree that under no circumstances will we be liable to any party for any type of damages resulting or claiming to result from any use of or reliance on our Website or any information or Content found therein, and you hereby release us from any and all claims whether known now or discovered in the future.
- You agree and understand we have the right to refuse or immediately terminate your access to our Website at any time, for any reason, with or without notice. Should this occur, we do not owe you an explanation, nor is this decision subject to any appeals or legal action. If you made any purchases and we determine you are entitled to receive or allowed continued use of the purchased information, we will make this information available to you in a way we see fit, which you agree will be satisfactory to you.
Dispute Resolution
- These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the province of Ontario. Should any dispute arise, you agree to resolve any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions by Arbitration and/or a suitable Alternative Dispute Resolution in Waterloo, Ontario regardless of your location, and agree to be bound by the decision(s) of the selected Mediator. You also agree to participate in good faith in the mediation process, with failure to do so creating our right to pursue any other available legal remedies, including but not limited to alternate forms of dispute resolution or litigation.
- Should an arbitrator determine any portion of these Terms and Conditions is invalid or otherwise unenforceable, you agree all remaining portions of these Terms and Conditions shall remain valid and unaffected by the removal of any portion of these Terms and Conditions.
- These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us with respect to your use of our Website, content, and products, and supersedes any other agreement, with the exception of any separate agreements, including Terms of Use, entered into by virtue of your decision to purchase any products available on our Website. Nothing on our Website nor any communications between us is to be construed as a waiver of any of the above, nor shall we have waived any portion of these Terms and Conditions absent express, written information by us expressly stating otherwise.
Should you have any questions with respect to any of the foregoing, please contact us via e-mail.
The website www.themoonshineco.com are owned by The Moonshine Co., a Canadian Corporation and any content therein (defined below) is owned and operated by The Moonshine Co, a Canadian Corporation (hereinafter “we” “us” “our” or “Moonshine”). Please read the following Disclaimer before using our Website – by visiting and using Websites, you (hereinafter “visitor” “you” “your”) are consenting that you have read this Disclaimer to the point that you feel you understand the terms outlined herein, and agree to be bound by them.
- Website Use
- To access or use Website, you must be 18 years or older and have the required mental capacity to enter into and abide by this Disclaimer. By using Website, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you agree to the Disclaimer herein. Use of Website by anyone under 18 is not authorized or condoned by us.
- This Disclaimer may be subject to changes or updates, and Website may not provide notice of such changes or updates. We reserve our right to make changes or updates at any time, and the burden is on the user to routinely check Disclaimer for updates. By continuing to use Website and the content we produce, you agree to be bound by the most updated version of the Disclaimer, whether or not you have read it. If you are not in agreement with the Disclaimer as is, please do not use our Website or any of the content that appears thereon.
- Purpose
- The purpose of Website is solely to provide educational and general information about business, marketing, mindset, transformation, resources and action items, astrological wisdom, mindset coaching, spirit care practices, accountability tools, meaningful collaboration and careers, to share the author and select contributing writer’s personal opinions and experiences, and to provide information on our products and services available for purchase. Any content on this website or provided as a result of your decision to opt-in to our email list has been created solely for the purpose of education and for informational purposes only, and is not intended as personalized advice. Should you elect to act on the information you read, or purchase a product, membership, or service from us, you acknowledge and understand you are making an independent decision that the information is right for you. By visiting Website, you agree and understand that this content is made available to you as a self-help tool only. Nothing on this website or distributed via email is intended to take the place of a consultation with a licensed therapist, physician, dietician, nutritionist, counselor, or medical professional of any kind.
- Medical Disclaimer – Not Medical or Professional Advice
- The content on Website is not to be considered medical advice for any reason, and nothing herein is intended to provide or act as a substitute for mental health treatment. You as the visitor understand and agree that while The Moonshine Co. owners are successful business owners, and select qualified contributing writers to contribute to Moonshine, the content herein is for general information purposes. You reading information on the website does not make you a client of The Moonshine Co, and we are not attempting nor suggesting you follow the content on Website instead of or in place of a personalized consultation with a relevant professional who knows your specific situation. The information contained on Website, written and sent out via email, or made available through our products, programs, and services is not intended to be a substitute for personalized coaching, medical advice or therapy/counseling, nor is anything contained herein designed to provide you with a medical diagnosis, treatment, or other medical services. By visiting this site you understand and agree this website is not providing any medical advice, is not providing any counseling or therapy services, is not a substitute to you seeking personalized therapy for yourself or someone else, nor is it attempting to diagnose or treat any mental or physical medical conditions.
- We encourage you to consult your physician and/or a licensed therapist if you suspect you may benefit from such services. We will assume that all individuals choosing to consume or implement any information found on Website will have previously obtained clearance and permission from their applicable personal medical physician or therapist, and has concluded that coaching information may be useful or right for them. We also encourage you to use common sense in determining whether any such content is right for you or your child, and trust that you will discuss with a personal medical professional prior to following any such information. Nothing contained on Website is intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical condition or disease, nor is it to be considered medical advice in any capacity.
- Voluntary Participation
- By choosing to visit this site and read the information provided, you understand and agree that you are voluntarily choosing to read, implement and/or participate in the use of Website and any information contained herein, and are solely responsible for any outcomes or results (positive or negative.) We cannot be responsible for any action you may choose to take regarding the information provided, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible nor liable to you should you sustain any injuries or negative ramifications. The information contained on Website is intended as general information only; we cannot know your individual medical or physical state, and do not claim to know what may or may not work for you. As such, you agree that you are fully responsible for your health and well-being, and any decisions you make to implement or follow anything you find on Website.
- No Guarantees
- The purpose of Website and the content herein is designed to provide you with useful information, and to support and assist you in reaching the goals you desire. However, individual success depends on your own mental and emotional state, as well as your dedication, effort, and commitment. While I make every effort to help my readers, I cannot predict results, nor am I able to know your personal situation; therefore, I cannot guarantee that you will attain certain results. You agree and understand that I do not make any guarantees regarding any specific results from using information found on Website, and that any success will come in large part to your own personal situation and dedication.
- Earnings Disclaimer: We also do not make any guarantees or assurances regarding a particular financial outcome based on use of Website, nor are we responsible for Your earnings, any increase or decrease in your finances based upon information you interpreted from Website. Any information or testimonials contained herein that contain financial information are individual results that may vary. The decision to use or implement any information contained on Website is solely your own, and you agree we are not responsible for any financial outcomes.
- Limitation of Liability
- You understand and agree that your participation in using our website and/or adding yourself to our email list is wholly voluntary, and you are solely and personally responsible for your actions, choices, and any results therein. You understand there are sometimes unknown risks and circumstances that may arise during or following use of our Website or products, that cannot be foreseen or anticipated, but may influence or affect your business or you as an individual. You understand and agree that any suggestion or recommendation of a product, service, coach, or otherwise through our Website is purely information – any decision to act upon these suggestions is to be taken by you, at your own risk, without any liability on the part of The Moonshine Co. You agree to accept all risks herein.
- Your use of this Website constitutes an agreement and acceptance that you will absolve The Moonshine Co,. as well anyone acting as an agent, consultant, affiliate, guest blogger, joint venture partner, employee, staff, team member, or anyone affiliated with Us in any way of any liability for any loss, damage, injury, or litigation that you or any other person may incur from direct or indirect use of the information, content, or products found on our Website or via materials requested through email.
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- You agree at all times to defend, fully indemnify and hold harmless The Moonshine Co. and any affiliates, agents, team members or other party associated with it from any causes of action, damages, losses, costs, expenses incurred as a result of your use of our Website or any products or services contained therein, as well as any third party claims of any kind (including attorney’s fees) arising from your actions in relation to our Website or any breach by you of any such conditions outlined herein. Should we be required to defend ourselves in any action directly or indirectly involving you, or an action where we decide your participation or assistance would benefit our defense, you agree to participate and provide any evidence, documents, testimony, or other information deemed useful by us, free of charge.
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- Although we have spent considerable time and effort in creating the products and services on www.themoonshine.com and the content provided herein, you understand and acknowledge that we are not responsible nor liable for any errors, omissions, or liability as a result of any loss or damages incurred as a direct or indirect result of your use of Website content or our products. You also understand there may be inadvertent typographical errors or inaccuracies. By your use of this website, you acknowledge and understand this information, and agree you have chosen/will choose to utilize our Website and/or our products voluntarily. You agree that we are not responsible for the accuracy of our Website, or for any errors or omissions that may occur on the site or in our products.
- Similarly, you understand your obligation to provide only authentic, accurate information to us, including your name, email address, and payment information, should you choose to purchase a product. You understand and agree that should any information provided prove inaccurate, and any issues or damages arise from your giving us false or inaccurate information, you may be liable for any subsequent damages that occur as a result.
- Testimonials
- Website may feature testimonials from clients from time to time, in order to provide readers with additional comments from others’ experiences with Website, The Moonshine Co. and products or services offered. While all information, photos, and quotes used are from actual clients, sharing their real, honest opinions of our website and services, these testimonials are not to be considered as a guarantee that current or future clients will experience the same results, or a guarantee that all clients will have the same experience. You understand and agree that by reading a featured testimonial on our Website, you do not expect the same results, and understand this information is not a guarantee.
- Affiliates and Endorsements
- From time to time, we may choose to partner with, promote, become an affiliate of, or otherwise engage in a joint venture with another individual or company whom we feel aligns with our products or services. You understand that should an affiliate or joint venture program be featured on our Website, we may receive financial compensation or other payment as a result. Please note we will only feature or promote coaches, businesses, or products that we wholeheartedly agree with and believe in, and genuinely believe will help our audience.
- However, you understand and agree that you must use your own judgement with respect to determining whether any promotion of another product is right for you and your business. Our decision to promote, suggest, or reference another service indicates nothing more than an acknowledgement that we respect or appreciate the business, person, or service. Your decision to use or purchase from such a promotion is yours alone, and you understand we have no involvement in your decision, nor shall we have any liability should you purchase from a promoted product and become unsatisfied. You agree and understand we have no liability and you will hold us harmless should this occur.
- Similarly, references to other coaches, information, events, services, products, opinions, or companies on our Website, blog, or emails is meant purely as a way to share information, not as an endorsement or suggestion that you purchase or use whatever is being mentioned. We are not responsible for any information, content, emails, products, programs, or services of any other person, business, or entity that may be referenced on our Website.
- Warranties
- You understand and agree that we make no warranties, express or implied, and hereby renounce any such warranties, guarantees, or representations with respect to any portion of our Website, the content herein, content distributed through email lists, social media, via webinars, or that which is made available through purchase via our membership site. By use of the Website, you agree and understand that use of content and information found herein is to be used at your own risk, with no guarantees, representations, or warranties regarding fitness for particular purpose, accuracy, or otherwise.
Your use of the website www.themoonshineco.com and any websites associated with The Moonshine Co. constitute full and complete acceptance and agreement to this Disclaimer. Please contact us via email with any questions or concerns.