New Moon in Cancer at 9:16 pm EST in 18 degrees Cancer. This New Moon has a little bit of an edge to it. It squares Chiron (our wound) and opposes Pluto (moving pain to purpose).
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so it might have felt a bit intense leading up to this New Moon, however, this Moon cycle has the opportunity for deep-cosmic healing.
For the healing to transpire, we can no longer ignore our pain. In order to expand, we have to look at this. I know it’s not fun but it’s so important and it’s not going away any time soon.
Pluto’s activity has been very strong for the last year and a half and it’s going to continue to do this until the end of October and off and on into 2024. It’s dedicated to showing us pain that needs to be realized in order to evolve. Otherwise, everything we do is temporary.
This New Moon gives us the opportunity to realize this, so we may move forward and heal.
Now, if we continue to oppress pain, it still finds a way to live in our bodies. These darker aspects that Pluto are often oppressed because we don’t want to deal with them, but they live in our bodies, rule our subconscious and create cyclical patterns that limit our expansion. Once realized, this all changes and shifts. So use this lunar cycle as an offering to go inside to receive the message you need for transformation. Cancer is very intuitive and very connected to our emotional body and our emotional wisdom. Go inside and find the parts of yourself that you want to liberate.
What do you not want to hold onto anymore? The memories, experiences, disappointments, whatever it might be, look at them today and find a way to acknowledge them so they may be liberated. This can create extreme healing on a soul level.We can turn to Neptune’s energy on this New Moon to help you stay focused on continuing to trust our intuition and dreams. Hold onto the dream in your intention.
This week Sirius aligns with the Sun to begin the process of opening up the Lionsgate portal. Therefore, our light is strong, and our light can illuminate Pluto’s ‘darkness’. The New Moon sparks new light after a period of darkness. This is the hope that transpires with New Moon energy.
Sirius is connected to Hathor, who turned into Sekhmet when the Sun God was angry because we were not living in harmony with the universal laws. So he sent Sekhmet down to punish us but to also create harmony. Sekhmet inspires the emotion and power of Holy rage, anger which is productive. But she also has the power to heal anything. She is ultimately a healer. Without destruction, there is no creation. She is the destruction that initiates creation. Turns pain into purpose.
So call Sehkmet in on this New Moon to help you. Call it her power, invoke her spirit that allows you to destroy the blocks that are limiting your expansion. Use this New Moon’s light and your light to spark hope and faith in yourself and your dreams.
Once you have done some personal introspection, dance it out. Shake your body. Move the stagnation. Inspire the Holy Rage to initiate the destruction to make space for creation. Then set your intentions. Notice the shift that happens once you allow space for liberation. It might possibly feel like freedom..?