There are many reasons why I love Virgo season but one of them is the opportunity to dive into our triggers. And I don’t necessarily mean the triggers that may seem obvious to you as to why they are there. I am referring to the triggers that may not seem rational or based on your personal experience. This has not only been a big part of my personal healing journey but a HUGE part of my work and purpose. When I first started exploring birth charts, I could immediately see pain, patterns, and blockages in the evolution of the soul. Now, this is another story to describe how this came to be but what I will tell you now is that it wasn’t taught to me, it was a knowing. A knowing that I fought for a long time because I was afraid to work with pain and felt I wasn’t strong enough to hold space for the many women who came to me. Well, needless to say, this was a part of my own pain, patterns, and blockages in the evolution of who I am. Yes, I received very sound advice and encouragement from mentors but what really made me trust this ‘knowing’ was the results I started to see in my clients. The transformation was unquestionable and this ignited my fire as to why I had to step into my purpose. Evolutionary Astrology fundamentally teaches us information around the subconscious, the things that are hidden about ourselves. However, when we are divinely ready to see the things that have remained hidden, we can radically change our lives. Once we see it, you can’t go backwards. You are offered the opportunity to move forward, therefore, changing the evolution of your soul. THIS IS EVERYTHING. So how do you start unravelling the many hidden layers of your subconscious mind? There are many things you can do but I have found diving into your triggers can provide a map to uncovering this information. I firmly believe we have multiple lifetimes that live in our consciousness. A method you can try to tap into this invaluable information is to look at what you are triggered by that doesn’t make logical sense, meaning it is not a part of your experience. For instance, I am incredibly triggered but sexual assault on women, oppression of women’s rights, or oppression of their power in any way (like how historically powerful stories of women have been hidden or changed to look evil). And I am not talking that I just get a little upset. I get so emotionally angry where it doesn’t make sense as to why it upsets me so much because it is not my personal story… in this lifetime. But this trigger has turned into a huge part of my work, my purpose and even how the Cosmic Creation Code came into my awareness. Essentially the theory of the Cosmic Creation Code is based on bringing back ancient knowledge that has been stolen from women…. with my twist. -Honoring your triggers can show you your deepest wounds in order to heal. -Your triggers can show you ancestral pain/patterns to create change, which can lead to showing you your purpose. -Your triggers can help you understand who you are. -Your triggers can help you remember the linage of your soul and what you have gone through to remember what you have come here to transform and evolve from. Virgo and the 6th house are so connected to your soul line and past life memory. They work directly with Chiron to help reveal your pain and turn it into purpose. Therefore this is the cosmic call to action right now. -So write your triggers down. -Create the container to hold the emotions that arise so you may work through them, instead of suppressing them (which just manifests in the body in other ways). -Trust in the divine timing of reading this message that there is a potential that you are ready to transform and evolve from what you are triggered by. -Trust your knowing. It is the truth. And I am here to guide you through your journey. The Cosmic Creation Code begins on Sept 20th, the Pisces Full Moon, which can help us liberate ourselves from past experiences. In this 13-week journey, we will look deeply into your triggers but with the help of understanding your astrological chart, your map, and with the support of the Divine Feminine Masters. And if this does not resonate with you or you want to work 1:1 with me, reach out to me to discuss how we can work together on this. Thank you for being here and sending you much love! Corina Book an Astrology or Lunar Light Reading |
This Fall Equinox Brings Rebalancing Energy—Especially for These 4 Zodiac Signs- Well + Good
The equinox also brings the harvest season, she adds, during which we are encouraged to practice gratitude for the...